In 1999, Antarctic Press released a two-issue comic series titled, "The Fifth Force: Hawk & Animal", featuring The Road Warriors, Animal & Hawk.
ZUBAZLooking to diversify their business interests in 1988, Joe & Mike decided to invest in something near and dear to them and their powerlifting brethren -- comfortable workout clothes that were big enough to fit and made a statement. Teaming with Bob Truax and Dan Stock, managers at two of the gyms owned by Joe & Mike in the Minneapolis area, the brand Zubaz was born, taking its name from the slang phrase "zooba", meaning "in your face," and their slogan, "Dare To Be Different" fit the men and the brand perfectly.
Initially with solid-colors and soon with zebra stripes and wild patterns, Zubas became a hit with sports fans, and thanks to their contract with retailer J.C. Penney, Zubaz grew revenues to over $40 million U.S., with its zenith being the Super Bowl in 1992, hosted in Minneapolis. The NFL even adopted Zubaz as its off-the-field clothing line for players. After falling from fashion favor for over a decade, Zubaz was relaunched in 2008 by Truax and Stock, bolstered by tremendous support online from fans of the NFL playsers the Gronkowski brothers Rob, Dan and Chris. |